DALí...Segment 1 : Œuvres Éphémères : Actions Performances Happenings 1965-1975

surreal post-modern parano cinema media publicity writing short story south east Asia pop culture Bangkok travel Thailand voyage articles author art journal magazine museum gallery exhibit crafts ceramics clothing designer   small business local manufacture San Francisco Haight street-life Paris fashion photographer show café cool mode style models Europe France French China HongKong film review movie director actor Japan Book Murakami Reading literature  video icon music Group underground graffiti news performance

Adoring Fans Carry the Surrealist?

Adoring Fans ? Today...at the Exhibit

First Week Segment 1

Dalí in the Metro...

I was accompanied by friends who believed that they had seen all the Dalí available, until  we entered the exhibit hall.
My companions claimed to have experienced an inordinate amount of Dalí in both his family home in Figueres, Empordà region, Catalonia, Spain, and Cadaquès, his family summer home.   

 A large number of works came from permanent collections in Madrid, such as that of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofiaas well as private collections.

surreal post-modern parano cinema media publicity writing short story south east Asia pop culture Bangkok travel Thailand voyage articles author art journal magazine museum gallery exhibit crafts ceramics clothing designer   small business local manufacture San Francisco Haight street-life Paris fashion photographer show café cool mode style models Europe France French China HongKong film review movie director actor Japan Book Murakami Reading literature  video icon music Group underground graffiti news performance

I was immediately impressed by the knowledge that I would have to return at least once in order to appreciate this complex collection of pictorial art, sculpture, as well as large screen versions of film, performance art, even commercials.  His work is extremely difficult to absorb in one sitting as it is so diversely and entertainingly detailed in each piece.

Dalí sold both Alka-Seltzer and chocolate, effectively, and thankfully not at the same time.